Saturday, April 14, 2012

Ryan Gosling; mmm

LOVE Him + Gluten Free Memes? = OMG!

Thank you Ryan Gosling. For your beautiful, beautiful face. Making gluten free just a little bit better...

Much Love, 


Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Company Replies Page


Check out my newest page to the Right --> titled "Company Replies"

This page will have all email correspondences I have with various companies regarding the status of their gluten free products. The most exciting new one I found out about is a local restaurant called Eegees. I learned that their french fries are gf (they don't fry anything else so there is no Cross-contamination as far as I am aware) and their eegees drinks, which are like slushys - but SO much better - are gf!

I should also share that our local Chik-Fil-A now serves grilled chicken nuggets (on the kids menu) that are gf and the french fries here have their own fryer so they are also gf! You can also still get the chicken breast filet without a bun, wrapped in lettuce, which is also GF.

*Check with your local Chik-Fil-A before confirming that the fries are gluten free (without cross-contamination) and they have a separate fryer.*